MOKOMOKO BORDERの書の作品とミラーの組み合わせによるこのインスタレーションを強く打ち出していきたい。
I received a lot of positive feedback from my exhibition at the London Art Fair’s Art Project in April. Although the concept was built before the situation in Ukraine, it has been sublimated into a universal theme, making it very relevant to the current times. The audience actually experienced it in the space and felt it superimposed on their own lives.
The act of further distorting one’s own false image in the mirror is similar to the act of retweeting fake news in the information war, for example. What is the substance and how to regain it is beyond the conflict in the dialogue with oneself. I created this space to embody such a time in the story of origins and endings.
The work also includes a variety of composite intentions, such as why the special mirror was used in conjunction with the calligraphy, the reason for the act of touching, and why the circle shape was chosen.
I would like to strongly emphasize this installation by combining MOKOMOKO BORDER’s calligraphy works and special mirrors.